Gain Next Level Influence, Authority, and Promotion

Discover how leaders are strategically managing influence, building powerful relationships, and navigating next level politics to accelerate their career and business goals.

Amplify Your Authority by leveraging your Leadership Advantage to unlock influence, boost results and, create a lasting impact with our proven system


Are you an executive in a Leadership role who wants to make a bigger impact but want to learn how to best navigate next level politics, or internal blocks to promotion?

If so, now is the time to get your career back on track. Leadership isn't just about the tactical. It’s not about time sheets, or quarterly reports, or calling shots. Your next level opportunity is going to require more from you. It's time to realize that the skills that have gotten you to this level in your career aren't enough to take you to the next. A good leader takes action—and this starts with you making the decision to change what's holding you back.

For over 20 years, Dr. Sanchez has successfully coached high-performing leaders looking to increase their impact while helping them to reduce the internal politics that interfere with their professional achievement.

Let's Have a Conversation

"Perception is everything. I had worked 15 years to get to a management position and felt invisible. But, in only 4 weeks, I have changed the perception that key decision-makers have of me. I've expanded my role, and feel more fulfilled. Thanks to Dr. Sanchez, I feel connected to my work more than ever!"

When John began working with us, he had been performing as a senior-level executive without the title. Having spent many years with his company (which had a flat professional landscape), he was feeling stuck and unsure about how to best navigate the corporate ladder and the politics involved. He believed these obstacles were keeping him from advancing to the next level in his career. After 4 weeks of working with us, he was able to gain the increased insight and knowledge necessary to pursue his dream of promotion. Not only did he identify a clear path for moving forward in his career, but he was better able to communicate to decision makers his unique value, and how a promotion for him would result in the biggest ROI for the company. Fast forward, less than a year later he has transitioned into a senior leadership position, and is now earning 2xs his previous salary.


Portrait of happy mature businessman wearing spectacles and looking at camera. Multiethnic satisfied man  feeling confident in a creative office. Successful middle eastern business man smiling.
Smiling business woman. Over blue background

"I almost gave up completely on my career goals, but Dr. Sanchez helped me to reconnect with who I really am as a professional and, why I do what I do."

Michelle was frustrated. She was in a position of authority, but felt less than powerful. She was the go to person for her organization, and felt compelled to maintain oversight and manage collaborations outside her scope that directly impacted upon the company's bottom line. As a result, she often felt overworked, under-resourced, and underpaid. She hadn't had a raise in 8 years; and, she didn't feel heard in meetings or when sharing her ideas. As a result, she would shut down in meetings, unable to gather her thoughts and felt overly concerned about her decisions, conversations, or actions. In just 8 weeks, we helped her to show up more confidently and powerfully in meetings; and, improve her style of communication to improve her leadership presence. She also gained the confidence to negotiate a significant 6 figure pay increase, spoke with more confidence, and set important boundaries so that she could spend more time with family.


Middle aged male businessman in suit and tie standing outside. Horizontally framed shot.

"I have worked with Dr. Sanchez for the past year and highly recommend her as a mentor, coach, professional partner, and resource. She has coached me through focusing on managing stress productively so that I had a better and more realistic work-life balance. She also helped me grow and stretch as a leader so that I could better engage my employees and my professional counterparts. I am very appreciative of Dr. Sanchez." 

Charles had already experienced a ton of success in his career when he came to work with us. However, he felt as though he was challenged at the senior level by dealing with politics. Specifically, he struggled with maintaining emotional control and being able to clearly communicate in high-pressure situations. As a result, he at times came across as abrupt or distant when described by peers and colleagues. The dynamics that were fueling the situation involved him feeling unable to manage the stressors of senior leadership and difficulties with balancing his time and personal relationships.  He had spent over 20 years working in the banking industry and believed that his “sacrifice” to get to the c-suite had placed a strain on his personal relationships. However, after 12 months of working together, Charles developed skills to effectively identify the unconscious behaviors, beliefs, and mindsets that were sabotaging his success, communication, and personal relationships. He also became more intentional with his thoughts, behaviors, and actions which allowed him to lead with more confidence. These changes positively impacted his relationships with superiors, peers, and direct reports.


Dr. Sanchez changed my life and career for the better. She helped me to find my voice, cultivate my political savvy and have a stronger executive presence. I also came away more confident with a clear plan of how to accelerate my career.

- Katherine, MBA, CMA, Sr. Finance Professional

Working with Dr. Sanchez gave me courage to pursue professional goals I had never believed possible. During our coaching time together I was promoted to an advanced position, gained further education, and began developing a strategy for the transition to my dream career! I am so grateful to have worked with her!

— M.C., Sr. Healthcare Administrator

We will partner with you to create measurable results that advance your bottom line, raise your awareness, expand your influence, and shift your point of view on things like navigating daily office politics to big picture professional strategy.

Big Picture Professional Strategy

When it comes to designing your unique professional strategy, we will help you assess how to best make your move with Dr. Sanchez's signature model for building Executive Presence called The PVPI model which takes into account the critical importance of evaluating your Positioning, Value, Perception, and Influence as part of your career plan. We will also help you to maintain peak performance during your career jouney using our evidenced based Peak Performance Accelerator Program to effectively master these four critical areas. As a result, you will see your career accelerate and expand your access to next level opportunities, helping you to advance one or even two levels at a time.

Let's Have a Conversation

Our Proven System

My name is Dr. Aimée V. Sanchez, Ph.D., I am a Neuropsychologist, Organizational Development Expert, and Executive Coach.

I'm here to help you quickly overcome the challenges hindering your career and leverage your unique skills, talents, and abilities to shift the perceptions of key decision makers. Our proven Peak Performance Accelerator framework will help you raise your awareness, increase your confidence and effectively eliminate factors that keep you from taking action and creating powerful results. We will work with you to increase your executive value, enhance your visibility and teach you how to communicate powerfully to effect change at every level of the organization so that you can make the biggest impact in your career. 

To bring leaders the best outcomes, we provide high-impact executive coaching designed to meet the unique challenges that senior level leaders face.

Navigating office politics is all about managing influence, power, and relationships. We will partner with you to learn how best to strategically navigate the political landscape of your organization and how to thrive in your environment and/or industry. As a result of working with us, you will shift from feeling overlooked, stuck, or lacking in professional strategy to feeling both empowered and confident to successfully navigate the politics of promotion at the senior level.

Apply to access your complimentary consultation today!

Our Proprietary Framework

Lead with Authority, leverage your talent, develop influence, and produce results and impact with executive coaching


Do you have the genuine trust of your team? Will they follow you?

360-degree assessments and Team interviews differentiate the sometimes uncomfortable truth from our own perceptions.

Performance-based feedback enhances strategic self-awareness by using a systematic assessment process to reveal areas of needed growth.


Clarity improves transparency in leadership. Evaluating clarity drives performance objectives which yields optimal business outcomes.

This means your team knows the what, why, how, risks, and consequences impacting their performance outcomes and goals.

Clarity is the crucial key to unlocking higher productivity.


Is your company dealing with the illusion of engagement? The effects of Psuedo-Engagement are real.

Learn to use EQ to motivate, inspire, and connect with your employees.

Discover if your teams are truly engaged, or waiting for the best opportunity to leave.


It’s time to take ownership of every result.

Strategically direct workplace and business outcomes.

Once you’ve created a culture of accountability, external distractions will stop hijacking your attention.

Discover how leaders are boosting their executive value by strategically increasing influence, building powerful relationships, and navigating next level politics so that you can make the biggest impact.

How It Works

The Peak Performance Accelerator pillars were carefully designed to create effective leaders, develop stronger teams, streamline results, and better equip leaders to further advance the bottom line.

Focus on your core internal indicators for success

You have the necessary technical skills to do your job well. Learn how to leverage your key leadership advantage to increase your skills to outperform and do your job better than anyone else. 

Portrait of a mature businessman wearing glasses on grey background. Happy senior latin man looking at camera isolated over grey wall with copy space. Close up face of happy successful business man.

Increase Your Results

Top leaders learn to efficiently maximize their days. Even the best leaders struggle to balance both internal and external priorities. Learn to incorporate new strategies to save you time, and streamline your efforts to accelerate results.

Strategically Navigate Politics

To advance in your leadership, it first begins with better communication.  Eliminate distractions. Learn to shift your focus, and reduce negative emotional reactions to successfully achieve critical objectives.

Maximize Your Value

Improve employee engagement, boost team productivity, and leverage your influence to develop a true ROI. Get the biggest return on investment which is good for business, and great for your bottom line.

High Impact Executive Coaching Designed to Make a Difference

To bring executive leaders and teams the best outcomes, we make sure your coaching goals and objectives are aligned to help boost your Leadership Advantage and help you to identify how to best: Focus on your core internal indicators for success, Increase Your Results, Strategically Navigate Politics, and Maximize Your Value to accelerate your professional and business goals.

Ready to become a better leader?

Apply for a complimentary consultation to help you become the leader your company needs you to be

Let's Have a Conversation

Trusted by clients from many Fortune 500 companies, including companies such as:

Let's work together to close the gap on the politics of promotion and help you to Amplify your Authority, Influence, and Impact!

Words of praise from past clients


"Working with Dr. Sanchez is a transformational experience. She inspires & empowers you to recognize & accomplish your goals, trust in yourself & lead a more rewarding and fulfilling life!"

G. J.
Healthcare Professional

Successful senior man with folded arms standing over grey background. Mature black businessman in shirt and tie looking at camera. Portrait of joyful business man on a grey wall with copy space.


Dr. Sanchez has an unmatched vitality that shows through in her coaching and ally ship. As someone who has made several career transitions: military to civilian and then to tech. Her approach was relatable across all of them. Dr. Sanchez's coaching approach challenged me to see things in a different way and I'm grateful for the new vantage point.

Sr. IT Cybersecurity Specialist

"Dr. Sanchez was instrumental in helping me meet my professional goals. She helped me to know my worth, and helped me shift my thoughts around my own value which has helped me tremendously."

Felicitas felt stuck. She had been struggling to show up authentically in her position as a Sr. Account Executive. Although she had many years of experience, she felt isolated as the only female executive in her department. She felt as though her ideas and contributions weren't valued at the same rate as her male counterparts, and she struggled with self worth and imposter syndrome. This meant that she was failing to advocate for herself by sharing new ideas, by requiring compensation commensurate with her level of experience or feeling confident to speak boldly on topics in which she had proven expertise and client results. She implemented our strategies and connected with her authentic Power which helped her to surpass her income goals and transition to a position that valued her years of experience and resulted in increased visibility within her company.  


Headshot of middle age business woman in studio, isolated on grey

"I’ve learned so much and I can’t even express the evolution of the transformation I feel in myself, even people that know me see a difference!"

When Melanie began working with us, she was working too many hours in a position for which she was overqualified and underpaid. She knew there was a better way to serve her company, and have work-life balance. We helped her to feel confident to directly address the triggers, blindspots, and challenges that were actively contributing to her feeling overwhelmed. She streamlined her work processes, delegated more, increased her influence as a go-to-expert and increased her level of corporate visiblity which aligned with her future vision of career success. She earned a $50,000 bonus in 4 weeks and reclaimed her time and energy. Fast forward, a year later she has transitioned into a c-suite position, and is now earning 3xs her previous salary.


"Dr. Sanchez helped me to get clear, reduce my fears, and put my confidence into action. After working with her, I was more confident, happier at work, had better boundaries; and, I negotiated a 6 figure business deal and retroactive
pay increase."

- Michelle, Department Chief

"I sought out coaching during an unsure period in my professional life. I was at a company that was influx and transition and I didn’t know if I should go or stay. At the same time, I had been serving in my position for 16 years and I was not sure if I wanted to excel. Honestly, I was comfortable. Dr. Sanchez’s energy, her knowledgeable approach to coaching helped to change my mindset and helped me confidently step up and take control in my present role."

-V.M., Training Manager, Fortune 500 company

- The Commitment -

30; 45-minute sessions over a 12-month period


  • Create clear actions, processes and goals to move you from where you are now to where you’re going
  • Raise self awareness to eliminate blind spots, imposter syndrome, and other negative beliefs that limit or hinder your performance, income, or career goals
  • Leverage your unique Leadership Advantage to add value to successfully influence and serve others by leading with your strengths, giving/incorporating feedback, effectively managing upward, setting important boundaries, and establishing trust with key stakeholders
  • Use emotional intelligence to communicate more effectively, manage conflict and improve your ability to have difficult conversations, show empathy, and overcome challenges to resolving conflict
  • Improve leadership capabilities to boost focus, enhance strategic thinking, accelerate confidence to take strategic risks, and increase resilience to win in all areas of your life
  • Gain clear insights and a data driven picture of your leadership brand to know how you are “perceived” so that you can communicate successfully, and thoughtfully impact decision making at the highest level
  • Expand your Influence and Impact on the business to quickly and confidently create more opportunities for increased visibility, next level opportunities, or promotion, pivot, or transition


  • Targeted Coaching Intake: This 60-minute strategic planning session is used to help to identify your coaching goals and objectives.
  • 3 Formal Leadership/Personality Assessments: Our range of assessment resources conducted pre and post engagement are designed to function as one of your first leadership and personal development steps. They equip individuals with knowledge about themselves to understand both their strengths and areas of needed growth.
  • 1:1 Executive Coaching Program: These 1:1 coaching virtual sessions are designed to help you gain personal clarity regarding your values, purpose, and goals; and offer you accountability, feedback, and tools you need to improve your leadership capacity based on your personal goals and objectives
  • Amplify Influence 360 degree feedback assessment: This is a feedback tool is designed to give you feedback on your business leadership skills from people around you so that we can create a development framework that is focused on the right goals for you.

Coaching with Dr. Sanchez can also

Support You to:

Improve Your Performance

Executive coaching with Dr. Sanchez will empower you to perform your job like no one else and you will:

  • Learn to reduce internal factors which interfere with focus and attention in your daily activities.
  • Maintain calm and exhibit internal control even when “chaos” is happening around you. Remain purpose driven in your actions and maintain mental space to hold onto the “important thoughts.”
  • Develop deep trust in yourself, and reduce the internal struggle of questioning yourself on the inside. Compel others’ to have confidence in your abilities to lead with authority.
  • Find work life integration that allows you to feel more in control, emotionally present, and focused with your energy. Reconnect with a sense of joy and happiness in your work and everyday life

Crystallize Your Leadership Abilities

Executive coaching with Dr. Sanchez will empower you to become a better leader and you will also:

  • Be compelled to take consistent action because you will have a concrete plan to articulate your unique Leadership Advantage and make a meaningful difference.
  • Inspired and focused on Amplifying your Authority and showcasing your thought leadership because you will have clarity on how to confidently use your voice to gain the attention and buy-in of key decision-makers and stakeholders
  • Tap into your use of intuition and strategic thinking to motivate, inspire, and raise the level of awareness of those around you. Reduce emotional spinning and self doubt to free yourself from overthinking your day, decisions, or conversations.
  • Invite authentic conversations that empowers transparency in others, expands your leadership capabilities, and invites true Inclusion and Equity  

Expand Your Influence

Executive coaching with Dr. Sanchez will empower you to enhance your executive presence and consistently:

  • Lead with authenticity, and gain the confidence of senior decision-makers
  • Turn any opponents into advocates
  • Enhance your communication style and generate buy-in from executive counterparts and key stakeholders when sharing your ideas. End your day feeling ‘heard.
  • Feel confident to bring your strategic vision to life by carrying out an influencing campaign that will engage key decision makers and key stakeholders in your mission

Create Next Level Opportunities

Executive coaching with Dr. Sanchez will empower you to Negotiate to "Yes" and strategically navigate next level politics to:

  • Counteract unconscious and/or implicit bias, so your talents are recognized and rewarded
  • Add value unapologetically and become fearless in presenting and promoting yourself, your contributions, and your work because you know your value and the impact you make.
  • Create your next level opportunity months or years ahead of your expectation.

Ready to get started?

Apply for a complimentary consultation to help you to Lead with more Influence, authenticity, and Authority so that you can make a bigger impact in your career

About the Dr. Sanchez

Dr. Aimée V. Sanchez, Ph.D. is a Neuropsychologist, Organizational Consultant, Executive Coach, and Leadership Strategist. As a Neuropsychologist, she has specialized in dedicating over 20 years of her career to understanding how the brain impacts upon behavior and applying these psychological principles to improve business and workplace outcomes. As a Leadership Strategist, in over 20 years of implementing her own unique corporate success strategies, she has helped high performing executives, teams, and organizations to gain the tools and strategies needed to improve communication, eliminate blocks to performance, and build influence across their organizations. Dr. Sanchez focuses on helping leaders, teams, and organizations thrive by bringing strategic alignment to meet their missions, values, and goals. She specializes in helping organizations: 1) develop high potential leaders and c-suite executives; 2) to build and grow powerful executive teams; 3) support leaders in the midst of career transitions with increasing scope; 4) deliver breakthrough leadership development programs that help leaders express their talents and aspirations in ways that create a ripple effect in their relationships, teams, organizations, and communities.

Become a better leader.

Apply today to become the leader your company needs you to be

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